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IT-DAY 2025


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Upcoming Events

What we do

At IT-DAY, we offer exciting opportunities for companies and IT-Candidates (IT students, IT-Graduates, and job seekers within the IT sector) through our range of services such as our company events, IT-Recruitment, our Job Portal, our customized marketing campaigns and our Job Accelerator.

However, our main service is facilitating Denmark’s largest IT-Career fairs. Hosted annually (in March and April) in Aalborg, Odense, and Copenhagen, the IT-DAY IT-Career fairs serve as a meeting ground for aspiring IT-Candidates to connect with potential employers and discover the latest industry trends. Simultaneously, companies can interact with a large talent pool, showcase their businesses, and recruit suitable candidates.



IT-DAY in numbers

​Current and previous participating companies


About IT-DAY

This IT fair is designed to redefine what fairs are truly about: ensuring the right people meet each other. By focusing exclusively on IT students, IT- Graduates, and job seekers within the IT-Sector, we narrow the scope to foster more meaningful interactions for both the participating companies and IT-Candidates.

IT-Candidates have the opportunity to experience virtual and physical innovations from top IT companies, gain remarkable insights into the rapidly evolving world of technologies such as cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, and network until all of their questions are answered. They can also secure student jobs, project collaborations, internships, graduate positions, or full-time employment.

Companies can interact with IT candidates concerning project collaborations, internships, graduate positions, and jobs. Moreover, they can learn about different educational backgrounds and understand what they involve. Finally, companies have the chance to showcase the exciting technologies they work with every day, positioning themselves at the forefront of the IT candidates' minds.

To ensure a dynamic and exciting event, handpicked representatives from outstanding companies will host keynote presentations on frontier technology topics. Furthermore, 30 participating companies will deliver one-minute hyper presentations each, stimulating students' interest in visiting company booths and creating a unique atmosphere.​​

Our Team

IT-DAY was created in 2019 by IT students who wished to create awesome events for their fellow students. Today IT-DAY is still run by a majority of IT students and recent IT graduates and operates in Aalborg, Odense and Copenhagen. This means - we know how to interact with this target group which is a great foundation for building the bridge between IT Candidates and companies. 

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Alexander Pedersen

CEO & Co-Founder

M.Sc. in IT-Management

+45 2046 8860

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Maiken Marie Nielsen

Marketing Coordinator

Cand.IT IT, Learning, & Organizational Change

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Johannes Strøbæk

E-Commerce Specialist

PBA studerende i E-Handel | Markedsføringsøkonom

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Michelle Pedersen

Event Coordinator

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Christoffer Vinther

Head of Business Development

Cand.IT IT, Learning, & Organizational Change

+45 4027 4991

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Morten Dragsdal Nielsen

Event Coordinator

Kandidat i Læring- og forandringsprocesser

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Marcus Pugdal

Event Coordinator

UCN Marketing Management

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Vasia Sørensen

Marketing Intern

B.Sc. in International Business Communication

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Mikhail Tcherniak

Head of Technology

Cand.IT IT, Learning, & Organizational Change

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Nicolas Püschl Deletaille

Event Coordinator

M.Sc. in IT-Management

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Julie Hartmann

Event Coordinator

UCN Marketing Management

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Erika Sofrin

Head of Marketing & SoMe

BA in International Business Communication

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Mathias Jensen

Event Coordinator & Business Relations

B.Sc. Sport & Event Management

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Celia Hernandez

Event Coordinator

Cand.Polyt. Architecture

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Rasmus Højen Tarp

Talent Acquisition Specialist

Cand.IT IT, Learning, & Organizational Change

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Christoffer Bille

Event Coordinator

UCN Marketing Management

Profile images of IT-DAY Employees

Patrick Pedersen

Event Coordinator


Contact us 


CVR: 44149249

Fredrik Bajers Vej 300, 9220 Aalborg Øst

+45 2046 8860


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